Thursday, October 15, 2009

Albino Hog

A new hedgehog is coming! I'm ready for a new one, and she is as different from Sally Snert as it is possible for a hog to be and not start an entirely new coloration. New hedgie-pog is an albino! I will be getting her after the 17th. Hopefully she & Miss Felicity will hit it off. If you click on the title "Albino Hog," you'll go to my excellent breeder's site!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mums for Sally

Here's a photo of the reason for this burial site. Beautiful, bright mums to honor Sally Snert's bright spirit. They have lasted & lasted.

Sally's Second Grave

Here is Sally Snert's final resting place. The lighter brown flecks are lemon verbena, scattered on her grave mound to repel cats & dogs. They are averse to citrus, from what I hear. And she has stayed safely buried so far. This site is much closer to my building, so I can check often.

The Burial Saga

And then, there are the perils of urban pet burial. Initially, I planned to bury Sally at my boyfriend's house, underneath a beautiful little old Japanese maple. However, he is trying to sell & he has raccoons around. How would it look to potential buyers if the coons were digging up the yard? Much less snacking on my little animal? So I picked a little hillock in the midst of my development of condos & townhomes. I never saw anyone walking dogs there, or really frequenting it at all, although it is close to a row of townhomes. So I buried Sally underneath a pretty bush & left a piece of statuary, (hedgehog fairies...they were tacky as all get out, but a gift) to mark the grave.

Then I checked on her every so often. The first thing that happened was that the hedgehog fairy statue disappeared. Ok, no biggie, Sally was still in the ground. I checked on her two days later, and she had been dug up! Sally was there, still wrapped in the pretty green fern patterned cloth I buried her in. But she was a good 3 feet from her grave. Something or someone had disturbed her. This was just getting worse. I felt like the broken marigold.

The Death of Sally Snert

Hello, Abandoned Blog. My little dainty hedgehog, Sally Snert, passed on in August. I noticed that she was shaking, just a little tiny bit, before I went away overnight. When I returned she was dead in the corner of the cage, prickled up & stiff. Poor, sweet little Snert.

Then, unfortunately, I FROZE her. Thinking that, ok, this will preserve her so that I can take her to the vet & the vet can discover what happened. Wrong. To have viable tissue to study, you must REFRIGERATE, not freeze.

So I will never really know what happened. It did seem to me that Sally Snert hadn't grown much, and she was nowhere near as large as Felicity. She was incredibly easy-going, but I wonder if that was because she felt sick? Snert also never, never made any noise. Perhaps something was wrong with her internally? Perhaps a kitty scared her to death? I will never know.