Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Bluesday

Time to whine. I have a broken ankle that is now held together by a stainless steel clamp apparatus. My apartment is an incredible mess. My plants are dying. I am not eating properly. I am teaching two classes. I can't carry a cup of coffee for myself. My sweet little hedgehogs are not getting out of their cage much. I am so incredibly sick of seeing the above view! It's blue for a reason.

Something to look forward to: the cast comes off on July 16th.


  1. Hi there, I recently broke my ankle and had surgery on Monday to repair it. I am currently at home, not much sleep, constant pain and this stupid temporary splint thing is really bothering me! I am bionic as well, a plate and 5 screws. Please tell me it gets better, I am going insane. How are you feeling? Feel free to write back anytime,Dave.

  2. Hi Dave,
    I hope you are feeling better. The 'real' cast, as in what I have on right now, will feel better & be more streamlined. Just writing that post actually made me feel better. Hang in there...it does get better, and in the grand scheme of things, it's amazing how quickly our bodies can heal.
