Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why Sally Snert?

The origin of Snert. When my boyfriend and I were brainstorming names for the new hedgie, we got onto to snout, and sniffling, and piggy type names. After this little burst of naming, I came out with Snert, as a name for a male hedgie. They are constantly sniffing and burrowing their little cold cute nosies into you. Well, mine both do! Snert sounds snoutish, and very like what hedgehogs do, just snerting around. However, it didn't fit newbie exactly. She's tiny & thin, and of course, female, so adding Sally, an old-fashioned name that goes nicely with Felicity, seemed to be the answer.

Initially I thought I created Snert, but Google & Wikipedia say no. Remember the Hagar the Horrible comic strip? Yes, truly horrible, but Hagar's dog was named Snert. What's more, the short name for Dutch pea soup is snert! How wonderful! Can't say that I wish to eat pea soup in June, but come Fall, I will make some snert for myself, and leave a bit unseasoned to serve the hedgies. So Sally Snert may enjoy her very own snert in the future. :)

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